西川京子・ 立木茂雄・橋本直子・井上京子(1998).「家族機能度に影響を与える家族システムのきずな・かじとり因子の計量的研究:アルコール依存症者とその妻に対する質問紙調査の結果から」『家族療法研究』, Vol.15, No.2, 105-115.

Kyoko Nishikawa, Shigeo Tatsuki, Naoko Hashimoto, & Kyoko Inoue(1998). Familial Influences on the Continuation of Abstinence:Effect of Family Functioning, Co-dependence, Family and Self-help Group Participation, Japanese Journal of Family Therapy, Vol.15, No.2, 105-115.


A survey was conducted to 105 wives of alcoholics on the relationship between abstinence continuation of their alcoholic spouses and levels of 1) family functioning (adaptability and cohesion), 2) wives' co-dependence, 3) wives' family group and 4) both wives' and spouses' self-help group participation.

Instruments included 1) FACESKGV (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale at Kwansei Gakuin, versionV). 2) ASTWA (Addiction Screening Test for Wives of Alcoholics), and 3) a demographic and descriptive data questionnaire.

The following factors showed high association with abstinence continuation: 1) a mid-range level of family functioning on both adaptability and cohesion dimensions after excluding some outlier cases on cohesion, 2) a decrease of wives' co-dependence, participation in 3) family and 4) self-help groups. Furthermore, the following outcomes were found 5) Wives participation in family and or self-help groups showed high association with abstinence only when they attended more than 10 sessions of either group. On the other hand, even only single session attendance to a self-help group by alcoholic spouses showed high association with the abstinence continuation.


Key Words:Family functioning, Co-dependence, Continuation of Abstinence, FACESKGV, ASTWA

URL:http://www-soc.kwansei.ac.jp/tatsuki/papers/Alcohol/Familial Infuluences.html

All Rights Reserved. COPYRIGHT(C) 1998-99, Shigeo TATSUKI

Department of Social Work, School of Sociology, Kwansei Gakuin University


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